1. Description of Perspectives
    1. Local Repository
    2. Builder (workflow templates and workflows)
    3. PTPFlow Manager
    4. PTPFlow Workflow Engine
    5. PTPFlow Communications
    6. PTPFlow Triggers
  2. Preferences & Security
  3. Local Repository: models and actions
  4. Creating a workflow, Part A:  using templates
  5. Creating a workflow, Part B:  parts of the workflow
    1. Properties
    2. Graph
    3. Payloads
  6. Creating a payload script
    1. ELF/Ogrescript
    2. Using Ogrescript to embed an arbitrary script
    3. Unwrapped shell scripts as payloads
    4. Importing script fragments
  7. Configuring a PTPFlow installation
    1. Installation requirements
    2. Creating/modifying KNOWN HOST .xml documents
    3. Configurable properties
    4. Localhost and Shutdown
    5. Adding Service info entry to the registry
    6. Installation and Launch
  8. Submitting a workflow to the engine
    1. Workflow Summary and Workflow Details views
    2. Viewing the node graph
    3. Inspecting events for a workflow
    4. Cancelling and Removing a workflow
  9. Communications views
    1. Event Querying
    2. Tuple Space
      1. inspecting the space for parameterized configurations
      2. using the space for platform-specific configurations (and payloads)
      3. programming to use the space from a running application via Ogrescript
  10. Triggers
    1. Defining a trigger
      1. Trigger types
      2. Trigger actions
    2. Uploading and removing triggers
  11. A guide to using Ogrescript
  12. A guide to using Trebuchet